Religion in Guild Wars 2: The Sylvari

If you are an MMO player like me, you are probably excitedly awaiting the release of Guild Wars 2 at the end of August. If you are an armchair philosopher like me, then you are probably very intrigued by the concepts behind a couple of the races and their relationships with religion. The obvious being… Continue reading Religion in Guild Wars 2: The Sylvari

Various and Sundry Things I Learned from the Guild Wars 2 Stress Test Beta

I’ve been a holdout on Guild Wars 2 for quite some time. I have yet to herald it as the “next big thing,” nor have I almost pooped myself in anticipation. I know, I know. This makes me a bad MMO fan, and potentially a bad human being. However, last week, one of my friends convinced… Continue reading Various and Sundry Things I Learned from the Guild Wars 2 Stress Test Beta

WoWpocalypse 2011: On Devaluing Intellectual Property

Instead of capitalizing on the value of their title that fans are crazy for and that the company has been pouring resources into for goodness knows how long, they are giving it as a way as a promo, a prize, a cereal box trinket for a seven-year-old MMO. That devalues both games, making neither is worth the asking price.