SWTOR PvP Titles – Valor Titles, Ranks, and Medals

Outside of the fantastic story you get while leveling up in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most interesting part of the game for me is PvP. Unfortunately, it’s hard to jump right in because the system can be a little overwhelming, but believe me–the SWTOR PvP titles are worth it. Even so, it’s awfully… Continue reading SWTOR PvP Titles – Valor Titles, Ranks, and Medals

How much is SWTOR Worth?

Me: “I don’t think I’m going to be sticking with The Old Republic.” My wife: “Wait, you paid $150 for the stupid collector’s edition and aren’t sticking with it? Are you serious?” The discussion then proceeded into her asking me if the extra stuff was worth it, to which I answered a solid.”Actually, no. It’s… Continue reading How much is SWTOR Worth?