SWTOR PvP Titles – Valor Titles, Ranks, and Medals

SWTOR PvP Titles - Sith Inquisitor Force StormOutside of the fantastic story you get while leveling up in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most interesting part of the game for me is PvP. Unfortunately, it’s hard to jump right in because the system can be a little overwhelming, but believe me–the SWTOR PvP titles are worth it.

Even so, it’s awfully hard to find a comprehensive guide to SWTOR PvP. So I thought I’d do my best to put one together. This entry is going to cover Valor Titles, Valor Ranks, and Medals earned while in Warzones.


SWTOR PvP Titles and Ranks

First of all, you have to know what Valor is. Valor can be considered “PvP XP” because you gain it by completing Warzones (you can queue up for Warzones by clicking the faction icon on the lower-right of your minimap—but only after you reach level 10.)

As you gain Valor, you gain ranks, up to Rank 100. However, you cannot have a higher Valor Rank than your character level, so Ranks 50-100 can only be gained at max level.

For every 10 levels of Valor you gain, you get one of the new, SWTOR PvP titles for your character.

SWTOR PvP Titles

The titles—up to Rank 100—are as follows:

  • Valor Rank 10 – Skirmisher
  • Valor Rank 20 – Duelist
  • Valor Rank 30 – Gladiator
  • Valor Rank 40 – Centurion
  • Valor Rank 50 – Champion
  • Valor Rank 60 – Battlemaster
  • Valor Rank 70 – War Hero
  • Valor Rank 80 – Conqueror
  • Valor Rank 90 – Warlord
  • Valor Rank 100 – Elite Warlord


Warzone Medals

SWTOR PvP Warzone MedalsAs you compete in PvP Warzones, you may notice that you gain medals. These medals increase your rewards for participating in the Warzone, but only up to a certain point. You can gain as many medals as possible, but you will only gain rewards for the first 8. These medals appear as a buff near your character’s lifebar.

For each medal, you gain the 250 Valor and 5 Warzone Commendations (used as currency to purchase PvP weapons, armor, and consumables).

While 8 medals may sound daunting, it’s really not. There are some 34 medals you can be rewarded.

  • Offense Basic – 1k Attacker Points
  • Offense Bronze – 3k Attacker Points
  • Offense Silver – 5k Attacker Points
  • Offense Gold – 7.5k Attacker Points
  • Offense Platinum – 10k Attacker Points
  • Offense Diamond – 15k Attacker Points
  • Defense Basic – 1k Defender Points
  • Defense Bronze – 3k Defender Points
  • Defense Silver – 5k Defender Points
  • Defense Gold – 7.5k Defender Points
  • Defense Platinum – 10k Defender Points
  • Defense Diamond – 15k Defender Points
  • Dauntless I – 10 Minute Victory
  • Dauntless II – 9 Minute Victory
  • Dauntless III – 8 Minute Victory
  • Dauntless IV – 7 Minute Victory
  • Dauntless V – 6 Minute Victory
  • Dauntless VI – 5 Minute Victory
  • Demolisher – 2.5k Damage Single hit
  • Annihilator – 5k damage from a single attack
  • Combatant – 75k Damage Dealt
  • Destroyer – 300k Damage Dealt
  • Commando – 10 Kills
  • Soldier – 25 Kills
  • Quick Draw – 1 Killing Blow
  • Assassin – 1 Solo Kill
  • Shield – 5k Defense
  • Protector – 50k Defense
  • Guardian – 2k Defense in 1 Life
  • Paladin – 10k Defense in 1 Life
  • Healer – 75k Healed
  • Savior – 300k Healed
  • Medic – 2.5k Single Heal
  • Trauma Surgeon – 5k Single Heal

In order to facilitate participation—i.e. no one AFKing their way through the Warzone—you must earn at least 3 medals in a Warzone to gain any reward at all.

I think that about covers it, but if I’ve missed anything or you have any questions, be sure to leave a comment, hit me up on Twitter, or shoot me an email.

By B.J. Keeton

B.J. KEETON is a writer, teacher, and runner. When he isn't trying to think of a way to trick Fox into putting Firefly back on the air, he is either writing science fiction, watching an obscene amount of genre television, or looking for new ways to integrate fitness into his geektastic lifestyle. He is also the author of BIRTHRIGHT and co-author of NIMBUS. Both books are available for Amazon Kindle.

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