Every story is about someone, one particular character without whom the story could simply not be told. Every time we pick up a book or watch a movie, we are investing in this single character. It might be the main character; it usually is. We follow them as spectators through their adventures, trials, and journeys,… Continue reading Whose Story is It Anyway?
Tag: Star Wars
Not Your Parents’ Literature: Traditional vs. Blended Genre Traditions
A few days ago, I was listening to Stephen King’s Misery on audiobook when something clicked in my head. A novel I had started a good two or three years ago and never touched again after writing around five thousand words came into my mind when Paul Sheldon was working on the second draft of… Continue reading Not Your Parents’ Literature: Traditional vs. Blended Genre Traditions
The Worth of Franchise Fiction
Whether I like it or not, my education has made me more of a literary snob than I once was or really want to be. It’s not intentional, but I seem to be unable to read anything without putting a critical slant on it or dissecting it in some way. I have been trained, whether… Continue reading The Worth of Franchise Fiction
Character Progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic
Since the E3 trailer, I’ve been thinking a lot about Star Wars: The Old Republic and what I hope the game turns out to be. Tobold’s MMORPG Blog has another really good post regarding TOR hopes vs. realistic expectations, but I still think it’s too full of cynicism, even for this early in the game.… Continue reading Character Progression in Star Wars: The Old Republic
Why There Has Never Been a Better Time for a Live-Action Star Wars TV Series
After Episode III was released, the Lucas camp began talking vaguely to the media about ways they planned to continue the Star Wars franchise outside of film. Aside from lengthy novel series such as The New Jedi Order, Legacy of the Force, and the new Fate of the Jedi, Lucas said there would be a… Continue reading Why There Has Never Been a Better Time for a Live-Action Star Wars TV Series