6 Tips for Winning World of Warcraft PvP Battlegrounds as Alliance

Since November 2004, I’ve been Alliance.  What that means in regard to PvP is that I have to be better than 90% of my team if I have any hope of winning.  Because of that, I realized that the following six tips really sum up what makes me better than the rest of my team. … Continue reading 6 Tips for Winning World of Warcraft PvP Battlegrounds as Alliance

Saying Goodbye to Your MMO Guild [Guest Post]

Today’s post is brought to you by Scarybooster.  He’s not really much for playful banter and witty author biographics, so on with the post! Since the start of Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Games (MMORPGs), guilds have been there. Guilds are what players call home when they log on. Guilds are our friends and our social… Continue reading Saying Goodbye to Your MMO Guild [Guest Post]

The Beej Republic: Buying In?

First off, welcome to the first installment of “The Beej Republic,” an ongoing series where I will cover Star Wars: The Old Republic as it works its way through testing and into our grubby little fanboy hands.  I had originally thought of doing this project as a separate blog, but talking it over with Syp,… Continue reading The Beej Republic: Buying In?