The Beej Republic: Buying In?

First off, welcome to the first installment of “The Beej Republic,” an ongoing series where I will cover Star Wars: The Old Republic as it works its way through testing and into our grubby little fanboy hands.  I had originally thought of doing this project as a separate blog, but talking it over with Syp,… Continue reading The Beej Republic: Buying In?

Saturday Zen: GearScore, The Sequel

In case you missed the hubbub and fantastic conversation with my previous (and aptly titled) GearScore post, here’s your opportunity to get in on the conversation. There have also been a lot of responses written in the blogosphere to it, and all of them make pretty valid points.  I hope you enjoy reading the conversation… Continue reading Saturday Zen: GearScore, The Sequel

Writing My Novel: Posting Fiction Online and Other Projects

As I round the final bend of the race that is finishing the first draft of my novel (~70,000 words and counting), I find that I want to branch out a little creatively.  I have a lot of ideas, and one of the foremost is putting various short stories online for my readers to help… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Posting Fiction Online and Other Projects