WordPress, Running, Writing, Geekery, and Awesomeness

Writing My Novel: Kickstarter?

Next week is my spring break, which means that I have time to work on a few projects that are for the job I want, rather than the job I have. The most pressing of which is getting my proposal ready to submit to Kickstarter. I fully intend to self-publish my novel...

Steampunk! Woo!

Just a little update, and a slight teaser, I guess. Pretty soon, I’m going to be trying something new with the blog here. My friend, Austin King, and I are writing a novel together. A steampunk novel. And the best news is that we are going to be releasing said...

SWTOR Exit Survey

My SWTOR account is on the way out. I decided not to resubscribe, but I have no doubt that I may eventually go back. Give the game a year or so, maybe less, and it may be worth the price of the subscription. Since BioWare didn’t have a very robust comment system...

Misc MMO Thoughts

Lately, my thoughts on gaming (and MMOs in general) have been numerous and scattered.  So here they are in a bulleted list! It took BioWare until this week to fix my bugged class quest. After grinding the last 10 levels out sans the Inquisitor story, I don’t...

Shiny, New ARCs

I love getting books for free, so recently, when I was recently given two awesome ARCs, I thought I would share the love with you guys while I work on reading through them and getting the reviews written and edited. First, Adam “Ferrel” Trzonkowski sent me...

High Concept vs. High Character

When you’re reading a story, watching a movie, or picking a new TV series to obsess over, which do you care about more–that the premise is new and interesting or that the characters are believable and interesting? I recently had a discussion with my wife...

Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?

I was just standing there, minding my own business, when a messenger came up the stairs leading to the temple of Pelor.  I was just a Cleric looking for a library to rest in, see if there were any good books about Ioun I hadn’t read before.  I wasn’t...