Writing My Novel: Kickstarter?
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 29, 2012 | Writing My Novel
Next week is my spring break, which means that I have time to work on a few projects that are for the job I want, rather than the job I have. The most pressing of which is getting my proposal ready to submit to Kickstarter. I fully intend to self-publish my novel...
Quote of the Day – “Aspiring Penmonkey” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 28, 2012 | Writing
A while back, I went through all my bios and took the word “aspiring” out of it. I’m not an “aspiring” writer or an “aspiring” novelist. I am a writer. I have written a novel (working on three more, as we speak! Eek!)....
Steampunk! Woo!
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 27, 2012 | Writing, Writing My Novel
Just a little update, and a slight teaser, I guess. Pretty soon, I’m going to be trying something new with the blog here. My friend, Austin King, and I are writing a novel together. A steampunk novel. And the best news is that we are going to be releasing said...
SWTOR Exit Survey
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 21, 2012 | Gaming
My SWTOR account is on the way out. I decided not to resubscribe, but I have no doubt that I may eventually go back. Give the game a year or so, maybe less, and it may be worth the price of the subscription. Since BioWare didn’t have a very robust comment system...
Quote of the Day – “No Sex in Utah” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 19, 2012 | General Pop Culture
Oh, Utah. You’re so silly. When she approached the desk, he had no idea what she would ask. “Yeah, so,” she began, “I know this is Utah and so this is probably a stupid question since there can’t be any books about sex in Utah, even at a place like Barnes and...
How My First Short Story Was Accepted For Publication
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 17, 2012 | Short Story, Writing My Novel
Well, it finally happened. I opened an email today and saw the news that one of my short stories had been accepted for publication. And after only 15 rejections! (That’s crazy talk!) I was absolutely ecstatic. Still am, actually. I’ve emailed the...
Misc MMO Thoughts
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 12, 2012 | Gaming
Lately, my thoughts on gaming (and MMOs in general) have been numerous and scattered. So here they are in a bulleted list! It took BioWare until this week to fix my bugged class quest. After grinding the last 10 levels out sans the Inquisitor story, I don’t...
Shiny, New ARCs
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 10, 2012 | Books
I love getting books for free, so recently, when I was recently given two awesome ARCs, I thought I would share the love with you guys while I work on reading through them and getting the reviews written and edited. First, Adam “Ferrel” Trzonkowski sent me...
High Concept vs. High Character
by B.J. Keeton | Feb 6, 2012 | Writing My Novel
When you’re reading a story, watching a movie, or picking a new TV series to obsess over, which do you care about more–that the premise is new and interesting or that the characters are believable and interesting? I recently had a discussion with my wife...
Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?
by B.J. Keeton | Jan 22, 2012 | Gaming
I was just standing there, minding my own business, when a messenger came up the stairs leading to the temple of Pelor. I was just a Cleric looking for a library to rest in, see if there were any good books about Ioun I hadn’t read before. I wasn’t...