In addition to my blogging hiatus, I have pretty much been on a general writing hitaus. My novel still sits in Google Docs, a collection of nearly eleven thousand untouched words, taunting me to write. Now that I am getting back into blogging and reading for fun, my desire to work on fiction has steadily… Continue reading Writing My Novel: But That’s Not My Novel!
Tag: Writing
I Am A Resolute Failure
My New Year’s Resolutions have now gone kaput. And it’s barely into the second month of the year. Well, not all of them, but the one I considered the easiest: Keep my blog’s 3 posts a week schedule. I care about this blog. I care about my readers. And my wife said that my writing… Continue reading I Am A Resolute Failure
New Year’s Resolutions – 2010
It’s January 1, 2010. The first day of a new year. And with a new year comes the annual tradition of casting off whatever was wrong with the previous year and actually trying to make the new year better. And this is my obligatory post where I lemming my way through listing what I have… Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions – 2010
Writing my Novel: Teching the Tech
A long while ago, John Scalzi wrote a blog called “Teching the Tech” that dealt with Ron Moore’s lack of scientific know-how when scripting Star Trek: The Next Generation and how that as he works on Stargate Universe, getting the science to be remotely plausible is a priority. He says, I’m not going to say… Continue reading Writing my Novel: Teching the Tech
Writing my Novel: John Scalzi Just Gave Me a Swift Kick in the Butt
Scalzi did so with his latest blog pointing out that the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency is now accepting unsolicited manuscripts from SF/F writers. Even new, unpublished writers like me. Their typical submission policy says they want 50 pages of the manuscript to read, and their new call mentions 3 chapters. Either way, I’m good to… Continue reading Writing my Novel: John Scalzi Just Gave Me a Swift Kick in the Butt