I Am A Resolute Failure

Homer Epic Fail My New Year’s Resolutions have now gone kaput.  And it’s barely into the second month of the year.  Well, not all of them, but the one I considered the easiest:

Keep my blog’s 3 posts a week schedule. I care about this blog.  I care about my readers.  And my wife said that my writing has improved 10x since I started blogging seriously in May.  All of that combines to make sure that I at least maintain my regular posting.  Successfully attaining this resolution means very likely that nothing will change around here (except maybe the quality of the posts will go up).

I failed.  I have not been able to keep up with the 3 per week schedule I set myself back when I started in May.

But there’s a good reason!  I am teaching literature for the first time, and one of my classes is an intensive, 8-week night course.  I’m having to read and prep all of my lessons as we go because I have no premade notes to fall back on.

That course in particular takes a ton of time and energy on top my other classes and work-related responsibilities, so I think everything will be better come the beginning of March when it ends.  Until then, I ask you to please bear with me as I sporadically update and work through an incredibly hectic time.

In a month or two, all will be regular again.  I make no resolutions or promises because we all now see how that goes, but you all know I’m good for it.  I haven’t lost the passion or love for my blog or you guys and gals; I simply haven’t had the time to write anything more than a quick snippet about WoW in my free time (and only that because it’s easy to jumble something together as I take a break in reading and prepping).

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you as I occasionally pop up for air.

By B.J. Keeton

B.J. KEETON is a writer, teacher, and runner. When he isn't trying to think of a way to trick Fox into putting Firefly back on the air, he is either writing science fiction, watching an obscene amount of genre television, or looking for new ways to integrate fitness into his geektastic lifestyle. He is also the author of BIRTHRIGHT and co-author of NIMBUS. Both books are available for Amazon Kindle.


  1. You have pretty good reasons why it did not work out. But the year just started, and nothing stops you from pursuing your resolutions with more success after your 8 weeks of intense teaching.

    1. Yeah, once March comes and I have far less prep work to do, I’ll be able to get back to my normal schedule of reading and writing for pleasure. Right now, it’s ancient literature or bust.

    1. I know it is. I just get incredibly engrossed in my hobbies to the point where I feel bad when I neglect them.

      And ancient lit is great; it’s just intense reading two major works every week and preparing 3 hour lessons for each.

  2. I am also looking forward to March. First, because it will be lovely to not have two husbandless evenings every week. And just as importantly, I look forward to your blog actually being written in English again.

    1. My WoW blogs are written in English. They just have a number of terms, phrases, and acronyms accenting the prose that makes them poetry in their own right.


  3. Meh, I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it. Quality is better than quantity and your stuff is always worth waiting for so people will come to your blog regardless of frequency.

    There’s a big debate over how often one should post and there doesn’t seem to be any definitive law, probably because there just isn’t a right answer. I’m actually thinking of cutting down my post frequency because it’s so time consuming but I’m an addict 🙂
    .-= We Fly Spitfires´s last blog ..How To Be Romantic: Celebrate Valentines Day In A MMORPG =-.

  4. *phew* I just found great comfort in your post. I likewise vowed to post 3-4 times per week and am especially concerned in losing the momentum since I only just created my personal blog last month. I’ll continue aiming for that goal, but I’m at least reassured (for the time being) by the fact that I started the blog to help me overcome writer’s block on current writing projects, so, if I’m not posting on any given night, it’s usually because I’m working on those very projects…so I guess that means the blog is meeting its original purpose!

    Your new gig sounds well worth the procrastination–I’m envious, really, as I teach literature at the high school level, but am temporarily on hiatus while out of the country and missing it very much.
    .-= The Fallen Monkey´s last blog ..Smell No Evil =-.

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