My goal in life is to make a living by writing. I don’t aspire to be a breakout New York Times Bestseller. I’d love it, don’t get me wrong. But I’m not setting out for that. I’m no James Joyce with pretentions of being the next big literary author, either. I don’t even want to… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Midlist or Bust
Tag: Writing
When Students Will Not Read
Out of the three Comp II courses I taught this semester, I found a shocking statistic: no one read. No one. Okay, well maybe that’s an exaggeration, but not by much. Across these approximately 60 students, I found that when I assigned H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu,” only five people actually admitted to reading… Continue reading When Students Will Not Read
Writing My Novel: The Plan
Two things: I now have 16,000 words of my novel drafted. I like to think of that as being a milestone. Rejoice. And I have decided that my summer plans for fiction now include writing tie-ins to my novel as well as drafting the manuscript itself. But wait. I know what you’re thinking: “He’s talking… Continue reading Writing My Novel: The Plan
Writing My Novel: What to Write?
I’m not teaching this summer. With my break, I intend to do two things: develop myself professionally by attending/presenting at conferences and write. The conferences are already scheduled. I’m presenting a paper at Slayage in June, and I will be attending the NCLCA Institute in July. Writing, however, is significantly more up in the air. … Continue reading Writing My Novel: What to Write?
The Slayage Conference on the Whedonverses 4
This summer, my wife and I are presenting papers at Slayage in St. Augustine, Florida. For those of you unaware, Slayage is a biennial national academic conference dealing with any and all of the Whedonverses. Jennifer presented there in 2008, while this is my first go-round. To say that I’m excited would be fairly understated. … Continue reading The Slayage Conference on the Whedonverses 4