Writing My Novel: The “Aha!” Moment

I’ve always heard some authors say that they don’t plan out their novels.  That they instead create their characters and their worlds, and then they write what happens to them…as it happens.  That the story tells itself, and they just happen to put it on paper. Until very recently, I thought that was a load… Continue reading Writing My Novel: The “Aha!” Moment

Writing My Novel: NaNoWriMo Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me

“I win! I won NaNoWriMo!” Which is exactly what you all would be reading if it were November instead of May.  As it stands, though, I reached the 50k word mark on my novel, which is what the NaNoWriMo challenge considers a novel. So from one perspective, I’ve written an entire novel.  From another, more… Continue reading Writing My Novel: NaNoWriMo Ain’t Got Nothin’ On Me

Writing My Novel: If They Can Do It, So Can I

Bad books really piss me off.  Not just bad stories.  I can forgive a bad story. But books whose writing is simply subpar irritate me more than almost anything else I can think of. The authors of these books really have no right having been published, but somehow their work makes it to bookstore and… Continue reading Writing My Novel: If They Can Do It, So Can I