Writing My Novel: The First Draft is Complete

It’s done.  Finished.  At 85,953 words, the first draft of my first novel is complete.  And I feel so incredibly strange now that I want to jump right back in and get back to writing. But I can’t. I have to step back, take a few—many—deep breaths, and just let it sit.  My wife is… Continue reading Writing My Novel: The First Draft is Complete

Writing My Novel: A Well Deserved and Much Needed Break

May 2010 was the first time I ever actively pursued my dream of being a novelist.  I always said I wanted to be a novelist, and I even started some novels over the years.  But I never actually put forth the effort it took to actually make that dream a reality.  I would write 500… Continue reading Writing My Novel: A Well Deserved and Much Needed Break

Writing My Novel: Posting Fiction Online and Other Projects

As I round the final bend of the race that is finishing the first draft of my novel (~70,000 words and counting), I find that I want to branch out a little creatively.  I have a lot of ideas, and one of the foremost is putting various short stories online for my readers to help… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Posting Fiction Online and Other Projects