Quirky, Cheesy Science Fiction

More than any other genre, I’m a science fiction person. I consider myself a fan of science fiction/fantasy (SFF) in general. I occasionally read straight fantasy, and I enjoy the genre a great deal, but what really gets me going is the technological and speculative end of the SFF spectrum. And more than that, I… Continue reading Quirky, Cheesy Science Fiction

Thoughts and Impressions – SyFy Rebranding and Warehouse 13

Despite having partially kept up with the transition of Sci-Fi Channel to its new brand of SyFy, I missed the date that the switch was made. It just snuck up on me. Which also meant that I missed the premier of one of the new shows I’ve been looking forward to quite a while: Warehouse… Continue reading Thoughts and Impressions – SyFy Rebranding and Warehouse 13