“Tales from Nimbus” is an ongoing series of short shorts meant to offer insight into the world of Nimbus in ways the main narrative cannot. At the Puffing Grampus “Look,” said the first mate of the Amber Skycruiser. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t know—” “Shut up,” Fritz said, trying to hold back his rage. “I don’t want… Continue reading “At the Puffing Grampus” – A Tale from Nimbus
Tag: Seven Days of Steampunk
Guest Post – 4 Elements You Just Have to Love About Steampunk
Over at Once Upon a Time, Naithin and Jaedia were kind enough to let Austin and me write a guest post to help promote the recent release of Nimbus: A Steampunk Novel. Why don’t you head on over to see exactly what we mean when we say that Nimbus is steampunk for people who don’t know… Continue reading Guest Post – 4 Elements You Just Have to Love About Steampunk
Why We Wrote a Serial Novel
Hi, guys. Austin here. Today is the official release date of Nimbus: A Steampunk Novel (Part One)! For those of you who have already purchased it during the pre-release weekend, we hope you’re enjoying it. We can’t wait to hear your comments on this site, Facebook, or to see the reviews on Amazon.com (hint hint!).… Continue reading Why We Wrote a Serial Novel
“A Bum’s Tale” – A Tale from Nimbus
“Tales from Nimbus” are meant to offer insights that help explore aspects of the world of Nimbus that the main narrative doesn’t get a chance to touch on. “A Bum’s Tale” Gully crept across the faux-cobblestone driveway of one of the nicer estates on the skyport. While small when compared to the Spire, Cloud… Continue reading “A Bum’s Tale” – A Tale from Nimbus
Why Steampunk?
Why Steampunk? We wanted to redefine what steampunk meant. We wanted to write steampunk that we would walk through the bookstore, pick up, and want to read.