I love getting books for free, so recently, when I was recently given two awesome ARCs, I thought I would share the love with you guys while I work on reading through them and getting the reviews written and edited. First, Adam “Ferrel” Trzonkowski sent me a shiny hardcopy of The Raider’s Companion from Epic Slant Press.… Continue reading Shiny, New ARCs
Tag: Gaming
Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?
I was just standing there, minding my own business, when a messenger came up the stairs leading to the temple of Pelor. I was just a Cleric looking for a library to rest in, see if there were any good books about Ioun I hadn’t read before. I wasn’t looking for adventure, or really even… Continue reading Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?
In Defense of Free-to-Play
The MMO subscription model does nothing to engender loyalty from a gamer any more than a shock collar actually teaches your dog to stop peeing on your flowers.
How much is SWTOR Worth?
Me: “I don’t think I’m going to be sticking with The Old Republic.” My wife: “Wait, you paid $150 for the stupid collector’s edition and aren’t sticking with it? Are you serious?” The discussion then proceeded into her asking me if the extra stuff was worth it, to which I answered a solid.”Actually, no. It’s… Continue reading How much is SWTOR Worth?
How to Start a D&D Campaign?
Every so often, I get the hankering to play a tabletop RPG. Back in college, we had some rousing games of Dungeons and Dragons. I have a lot of fond memories of those nights where my buddies and I would sit around a table and kill the devil or something silly like that. (I won’t… Continue reading How to Start a D&D Campaign?