In case you missed the hubbub and fantastic conversation with my previous (and aptly titled) GearScore post, here’s your opportunity to get in on the conversation. There have also been a lot of responses written in the blogosphere to it, and all of them make pretty valid points. I hope you enjoy reading the conversation… Continue reading Saturday Zen: GearScore, The Sequel
Tag: Gaming
Initial Impressions: Dungeons & Dragons Online
Despite having one of the most cumbersome names of any game I’ve ever seen, Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited (DDO) is one of the most unique and interesting MMORPGs I have ever played. I remember years ago when the game was announced. I remember getting into the beta test and anxiously waiting on the… Continue reading Initial Impressions: Dungeons & Dragons Online
OMG GEARSCORE SUX!1!11!!!!, or Why I Might Quit World of Warcraft
Let’s get one thing out of the way: I hate GearScore. I hate it. Hate it. HATE it. It sucks. It’s an arbitrary number that an addon assigns to my character in order to determine my worth as a player. Not to mention that it’s a broken system that is too easy to exploit. And… Continue reading OMG GEARSCORE SUX!1!11!!!!, or Why I Might Quit World of Warcraft
The Game Archaeologist Interviews Me About Ultima Online
Good ole Syp from Bio Break has a fantastic new column at Massively called “The Game Archaeologist,” where he explores MMOs of days-gone-by and what they meant to their players. And the first game he chose is one that is near and dear to my heart: Ultima Online. At the end of his first piece,… Continue reading The Game Archaeologist Interviews Me About Ultima Online
App Review: Tilt to Live for iPhone
Of all the apps on my iPhone, Tilt to Live may be the first one to outrank Facebook and Amazon Kindle as my favorite. In fact, I cannot think of $1.99 that has ever been better spent. One of my wife’s friends gifted her this iPhone app. We both tinkered with it for a while… Continue reading App Review: Tilt to Live for iPhone