A Girl’s Perspective on the Twilight Saga

ElitistGeek was good enough to be a part of Anti-Twilight Week.  It just goes to show you that not every girl who reads Stephenie Meyer’s series swoons.  Enjoy! It’s funny how the first post of Anti-Twilight Week talks about how the series is viewed in the eyes of a male because I’m going to talk… Continue reading A Girl’s Perspective on the Twilight Saga

The Twilight Saga: A Boy’s Perspective

Let’s face it, Twilight was written for girls.  Stephenie Meyer’s target demographic is the adolescent female, and while there are a fair number of boys out there for whom I weep nightly based on their love of Twilight, their numbers pale in comparison to the tweenie-bopper girls. So I figure I’ll give you my take… Continue reading The Twilight Saga: A Boy’s Perspective

What’s the Deal with Post-Apocalyptic Appeal?

I have a strange fantasy:  I want to be alive after the world ends. Not in an immortality kind of way, but in a Cormac McCarthy’s The Road kind of way. Well, not that I actually want to, but I find something strangely appealing about the quiet, deserted streets in most post-apocalyptic fiction. One of… Continue reading What’s the Deal with Post-Apocalyptic Appeal?