I enjoyed sharing a video I found last Saturday with you guys, so this week, I thought I would share two pieces of pop culturey goodness. I’m typically not one to watch Internet videos or spend a lot of time on YouTube, but occasional snippets do come along that I just have to share. Whether… Continue reading Saturday Zen: Roundabound
Tag: Blogathon
OMG GEARSCORE SUX!1!11!!!!, or Why I Might Quit World of Warcraft
Let’s get one thing out of the way: I hate GearScore. I hate it. Hate it. HATE it. It sucks. It’s an arbitrary number that an addon assigns to my character in order to determine my worth as a player. Not to mention that it’s a broken system that is too easy to exploit. And… Continue reading OMG GEARSCORE SUX!1!11!!!!, or Why I Might Quit World of Warcraft
Writing My Novel: If They Can Do It, So Can I
Bad books really piss me off. Not just bad stories. I can forgive a bad story. But books whose writing is simply subpar irritate me more than almost anything else I can think of. The authors of these books really have no right having been published, but somehow their work makes it to bookstore and… Continue reading Writing My Novel: If They Can Do It, So Can I
The Game Archaeologist Interviews Me About Ultima Online
Good ole Syp from Bio Break has a fantastic new column at Massively called “The Game Archaeologist,” where he explores MMOs of days-gone-by and what they meant to their players. And the first game he chose is one that is near and dear to my heart: Ultima Online. At the end of his first piece,… Continue reading The Game Archaeologist Interviews Me About Ultima Online
Current Picks – Feed and True Blood
In an effort to spread the word about awesome books, movies, and TV shows I am currently enjoying, I started the “Current Picks” section of my blog. In the upper right corner of every page (just under the green stripe), you can find at least two works I think everyone should check out. Despite my… Continue reading Current Picks – Feed and True Blood