Review: Stephen King’s Under the Dome


When I finished Under the Dome, that’s all I could say.  I just closed the novel and contemplated the ending.  I couldn’t say anything else but “huh.”

And for me, that’s high praise.

Under the Dome Cover Ashamed as I am to say it, Under the Dome is the first novel I’ve finished since June.  I’ve listened to a few audiobooks on my commute, sure, but King’s latest is the first book I’ve physically sat down with in about six months.

Hailed as a sort of spiritual successor to The Stand, Under the Dome is Stephen King’s longest book since his post-apocalyptic jaunt across the States.  Sitting at roughly 1100 pages, I was a little intimidated by the novel.

I like seeing my progress through a book, and since I generally only get to read before bed, a chapter/hour a night takes a while to make a dent in 1100 pages.  But Christmas break came and once I finished grading finals, I was able to sink my teeth into Under the Dome’s meaty narrative.

First off, the novel is really epic.  But not in the way I had expected.  Because the town of Chester’s Mill is trapped within its city limits, there is no questing, no journeying, and no jaunting like in The Stand.  Instead, there is an increased emphasis on character interaction and politics, which makes the novel not epic in the traditional sense, but epic on a scale that wonderfully fits King’s recent writing style.  (Past The Dark Tower, his novels have been about people more than situations.)

The great thing about Under the Dome is that it starts out intense and maintains that intensity throughout the book.  When trying to get people to read it, I tell them that an airplane crashes and two people and a woodchuck die in the first three pages.  That gets people’s attention.  It certainly got mine.  While there are moments that drag, I have not read a novel that is this consistently “on” since It.

One of the interesting elements of the novel is that despite King’s notoriety for supernatural horror, there is none in Under the Dome.  The horror is entirely dependant on human interaction and how people could react to being confined.  There is a particularly visceral gang rape scene that made me feel dirty after reading it because the graphic detail in the novel is classic Stephen King, only instead of vampires and night bumpers, it’s town selectmen and deputy sheriffs.

And that’s really what’s scary to me.  King emphasizes that the characters in Under the Dome are just normal people.  The most extraordinary of any of them is a military vet who just wants some alone time.  But they’re all thrown into a ridiculous situation and chaos ensues.  The horror comes from seeing how an ordinary person could react in a terrifying situation.Under the Dome UK

For a novel that has such a large cast of characters, I found it incredibly refreshing to actually care about a great number of them.  I normally attach  myself to a single character or two in ensemble fiction, but Under the Dome presented a lot of characters I was rooting for, even though they might have only played a peripheral role in the actual events of the novel.

But the novel isn’t lovely in its entirety.  My main problem with the book is how its ending seems tacked on.  I am fine with the climax and how events played out, but I  have a problem with how tacked-on the explanation for everything felt.  While the reasons behind the Dome were hinted at fairly early, when they came to fruition, they didn’t feel thought through completely.  I was left with a “wait, what?” feeling instead of the “wow, that was epic” finale I had hoped for.

It was a little too deux ex machina for me.

But that’s a problem with Stephen King in general.  As much as I love his work, he has a problem with endings.  He’s even gone on record saying that he hates endings.  And I’m one of the few Dark Tower fanboys who absolutely adored the way Roland’s journey wrapped up in Book 7.  But I still felt that Under the Dome deserved more than what it got.  I felt that I deserved more than what I got.

Still, I can’t knock the entire novel for a lackluster resolution.  I still sat there when I finished the novel and contemplated themes, ideas, and humanity, which is something I’ve come to realize makes literature take on that big L occasionally.

In the end, though, Under the Dome is a fine novel, maybe his finest in years.  I don’t want to rank his newest novels because I loved them all in some capacity or another, but I can tell you that if you’re a Stephen King fan, you’re doing yourself a disservice by not reading this book.  If I’m ever lucky enough to teach a Stephen King-centric course, I have no doubt this heavyweight will be on my syllabus.

Under the Dome Full Cover

By B.J. Keeton

B.J. KEETON is a writer, teacher, and runner. When he isn't trying to think of a way to trick Fox into putting Firefly back on the air, he is either writing science fiction, watching an obscene amount of genre television, or looking for new ways to integrate fitness into his geektastic lifestyle. He is also the author of BIRTHRIGHT and co-author of NIMBUS. Both books are available for Amazon Kindle.


  1. I read the first part of your review, but had to quit as some spoilers were leaking out (I’m currently reading it; it was my first Kindle purchase).

    I’ll get back to you, but as of now, it’s pretty good, and typical King.

    1. I really hate to hear that, Nick; I’m sorry. I did my best to keep things vague and un-spoilerish, but apparently failed.

      Let me know what you think of it when you get through, though.

  2. I was a little dubious about reading your review as I haven’t finished the book yet (got about 70 pages to go) but yeah, I kinda sensed it would have a luckluster ending. I’m also glad you didn’t spoil anything for me 😀

    I agree that it’s the biggest flaw with King’s work – he has trouble finishing the huge epic tales that he tells. It’s understandable because he sets himself up for such an impossible task by writing something so massive that nothing he does to finish it will be able to leave us satisfied.

    Still, I’ll let you know in 70 pages 😀
    .-= We Fly Spitfires´s last blog ..2009 Predictions – Review =-.

  3. I loved this book. I wanted a little more out of the ending but there was enough there to satisfy me and not leave me let down. I’ve read other big King novels and this one moved quickly for its length. Like you said, there are moments that seem to drag but it wasn’t real bad, in this case. The progressing action more than made up for it, which made those moments fade into the periphery for me.

    Something seemed to click with me in the second half of the novel, more than the first. Maybe it took that long for me to really start feeling the characters, I’m not sure. I know that the second have seemed very gripping, though. There were a few nights when I stayed up hours past when I’d usually have passed out to keep going. It made for some tired days but, I’ll tell you, even knowing I had to get up early the next day, I didn’t want to put that book down.

    Good review. I’m trying to get my Dad to read it now. I just wish the page count didn’t intimidate some people as much as it does. This book might be 1100 pages but it doesn’t seem like it.

  4. I agree wholeheartedly, BJ! “Under the Dome” is King’s best novel in years, even though the ending was a bit … ‘convenient’ is maybe the word I’m looking for? I don’t know. In spite of that ending, though, I really, really enjoyed the book. I wish there were more authors out there that weren’t afraid to tackle a large cast of characters and make me feel sympathetic towards them all (even, strangely enough, Big Jim, whom I couldn’t help but almost mourn for! Isn’t that weird? The guy is a total schmuck and I still wanted things to work out for him! But I digress …)! Anyway, the point of this comment – I enjoyed the review and couldn’t agree with you more!

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