Using Joss Whedon’s “Firefly” in the Classroom

This month signaled the end of my first academic year teaching. I like to think that it went across fairly well: I was asked to come back to teach in both Summer and Fall sessions. Over the course of the year, I have done something that I hope sets me apart from other English professors… Continue reading Using Joss Whedon’s “Firefly” in the Classroom

Why a “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Reboot is a Vampin’ Terrible Idea

Right now, there is a lot of buzz about about Buffy: The Vampire Slayer being remade without Joss Whedon. Read about it here. Okay, you’re back? Good. Despite Joss Whedon’s short but sweet response of “I hope it’s cool” (which could be seen as either well-wishing for the new series or sarcasm toward it), I… Continue reading Why a “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” Reboot is a Vampin’ Terrible Idea

Chuck Palahniuk’s “Pygmy” and “Star Wars” novels

A while back, I got into the mood to read all of Chuck Palahniuk’s novels. I read a few and listened to a few on audiobook, but I finished his entire library in a few months. And I loved them all, with Survivor, Rant, and Fight Club topping the list in that order. After this,… Continue reading Chuck Palahniuk’s “Pygmy” and “Star Wars” novels

Review – Terminator: Salvation

Even in the wonderful leather seats at the Monaco theater in Huntsville, Alabama, Terminator: Salvation really let me down. I enjoyed the movie, don’t get me wrong, but there was just very little actually memorable about the film. I had read a snippet months ago about a spoiled ending where John Connor (Christian Bale) died… Continue reading Review – Terminator: Salvation