“Nimbus: A Steampunk Novel” Cover Reveal
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 30, 2012 | Writing My Novel
Austin King and I are hard at work on Nimbus, our steampunk serial novel. The current plan is to (hopefully) have the first volume released by the end of April. We will be releasing the complete Part 1 on Amazon for $2.99, while posting weekly chapters here at...
Quote of the Day – “Superfun Copyedits” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 29, 2012 | Writing
Given that my wife and I are both thinking about getting into the freelance copyediting business as a side-job, I thought Lilith Saintcrow’s response to copyedits were right on target. Copyeditors are those brave souls who descend upon one’s manuscript and pick...
Book Review: “Arctic Rising” by Tobias Buckell
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 26, 2012 | Books
Arctic Rising’s bleak, ice-free, near-future earth satisfies my hunger for a good technothriller just as well as Crichton, Koontz, or Brown always have.
Book Review – “The Raider’s Companion”
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 19, 2012 | Books, Gaming
Being a long-time fan of the MMO blog Epic Slant, when Adam “Ferrel” Trzonkowski mentioned he was starting a Kickstarter project for his next book, The Raider’s Companion, my ears perked up. And when he offered review copies it, I couldn’t type...
On Stealing Time to Write
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 15, 2012 | Writing, Writing My Novel
I’m a man that works well with a routine. If I have somewhere to be or something to do, I carve time out of my schedule to do it. I do it within that timeframe, too. Else the world ends. I used to think I didn’t have to write that way. I thought writing...
Quote of the Day – “Why Starting a Book Sucks” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 13, 2012 | Writing
Thanks to Elana Johnson for being able to succinctly put into words the reasons behind my revision nightmares. So basically you’ve got 50 pages to hook a reader, set up the world (and how the MC sees the world), introduce the theme, build a character people will...
Writing My Novel: The 30k Milestone and Beyond!
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 11, 2012 | Writing My Novel
This past week was spring break, or as it’s known in my home, No Pants Week. While pantsless, I did a great deal of writing on Lineage, the sequel to Birthright, and on my upcoming steampunk serial novel that we’re tentatively titling Nimbus. Since...
Birthright (Mock-up) Cover Reveal
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 9, 2012 | General Pop Culture, Writing My Novel
Mock-up Cover Reveal for Birthright (The Technomage Archive, Book 1) by B.J. Keeton
When Your Writing Sucks
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 6, 2012 | Writing, Writing My Novel
The past few days have been terrible writing days. Not in terms of wordcount, though. In terms of pure output, I’ve chugged out 8-10k since Saturday. But a lot of what I’ve written is just downright bad. I’m working on two novels, Lineage (the sequel...
Picture of the Day – Wanted: Super Mario Villains
by B.J. Keeton | Mar 1, 2012 | Gaming