Saturday Zen – Diablo Got Hot!
by B.J. Keeton | May 19, 2012 | Gaming
This pretty much sums it up, especially since I only bought the Diablo III on impulse because I absolutely hated Diablo II. And if you’re wondering about the Error 37 reference, be sure to watch this amazing video. It explains everything. (Be aware there’s...
Hey, Newbie! Stop Writing!
by B.J. Keeton | May 18, 2012 | Writing
Hey, Newbie! That’s right. You. Yeah, you. Stop writing. You heard me. Stop writing. Right now. Just stop. You done? Good, now we can move on. When I teach composition, I start out the semester by telling the students that I have one rule about writing. That...
Summer 2012 Goals
by B.J. Keeton | May 16, 2012 | Writing
When my dad died on April 3, all the lofty goals I had set for myself and the coming summer went poof. I wasn’t able to concentrate–still can’t to the level that I was–and I just didn’t have the drive to write. I still don’t, to be...
Various and Sundry Things I Learned from the Guild Wars 2 Stress Test Beta
by B.J. Keeton | May 15, 2012 | Gaming
I’ve been a holdout on Guild Wars 2 for quite some time. I have yet to herald it as the “next big thing,” nor have I almost pooped myself in anticipation. I know, I know. This makes me a bad MMO fan, and potentially a bad human being. However, last...
Saturday Zen – “Poop Coach”
by B.J. Keeton | May 12, 2012 | General Pop Culture
How do you follow being the director and screenwriter of the highest-grossing movie in history? You become a poop...
Guest Post – 4 Elements You Just Have to Love About Steampunk
by B.J. Keeton | May 11, 2012 | Guest Posts
Over at Once Upon a Time, Naithin and Jaedia were kind enough to let Austin and me write a guest post to help promote the recent release of Nimbus: A Steampunk Novel. Why don’t you head on over to see exactly what we mean when we say that Nimbus is steampunk for...
Picture of the Day – “My New 700c Baby” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | May 10, 2012 | General Pop Culture
I never would have thought it of myself, but I love being active. I love to exercise. I’ve shed right at 100lbs in under two years. Two summers ago, I started reworking my lifestyle by cutting out sugars, processed foods, and simple carbohydrates. Last summer, I...
What is the Worst Thing That Can Happen in this Chapter?
by B.J. Keeton | May 9, 2012 | Writing
Think about what makes you keep reading a book. Is it when everything works out well? Is it when the story finally fits together like a month-long jigsaw puzzle? Is it when the end of the book is exactly what you expected from the prologue? Of course not! That would...
Picture of the Day – “Every Major’s Terrible” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | May 8, 2012 | General Pop Culture
After working in higher education for the last four years, my professional reaction to this is simple: QFT.
Picture of the Day – “May the Fourth Be With You!” Edition
by B.J. Keeton | May 4, 2012 | Gaming
Thanks to Star Wars: The Old Republic’s Legacy system, I now have a Chiss with not one, but two lightsabers.