“Birthright” Kickstarter is Live!
by B.J. Keeton | Jun 12, 2012 | Books
I am proud to announce that as of yesterday morning, the Birthright Kickstarter campaign is live and online. And it is going great! In under 24 hours, we have already raised right at 15% of the total goal for Birthright. 15%! That’s crazy talk! I’m so...
D&D Next Playtest – 3 Impressions
by B.J. Keeton | Jun 8, 2012 | Gaming
D&D Next gives you a framework on which to build the game you want to play, not the one the one the devs want you to.
He’s an Animal, Man
by John Ayers | Jun 6, 2012 | General Pop Culture
“Let me tell you about the weirdest dream I ever had… This was a few years ago, When I’d only been Animal Man for a little while . . . I met my maker, literally. He was this skinny intense, Scottish guy who claimed I was just a character that he wrote in a...
[Guest Post] – 1980s Horror Films: Better Than You Remember?
by B.J. Keeton | Jun 5, 2012 | Guest Posts, Movies
It may be regarded as the decade that fashion forgot but the 1980s had a remarkable array of films. Even in the horror genre, this decade provided a futile ground for innovative and groundbreaking ideas. Now, you may be thinking that the 1980s was simply a collection...
Summer TV Rewatch: Babylon 5
by B.J. Keeton | Jun 1, 2012 | General Pop Culture
Ten years ago, watching TV shows on DVD was a new idea. Netflix wasn’t a thing, and TiVo was just beginning to become a household name. So when I brought home a DVD set of a 90s sci-fi show titled Babylon 5, my dad wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I...
[Guest Post] The Ultimate Guide to the Origins of Cyberpunk Derivatives
by B.J. Keeton | May 30, 2012 | General Pop Culture, Guest Posts
Comic books have appeared in popular cultures since the early thirties and, now more than ever, it seems the increase in popularity of both comics and sci-fi literature is incredible. With an ever increasing economic and global market, and indeed, demand for these...
Book Review – “Shadow Ops: Control Point” by Myke Cole
by B.J. Keeton | May 26, 2012 | Books, General Pop Culture
I was lucky enough to have a book review of Myke Cole’s debut novel Shadow Ops: Control Point published on BuzzyMag.com (the same fine folks who bought my short story “Working Retail” a while back). The review is online at their site now, and I would...
SWTOR PvP Titles – Valor Titles, Ranks, and Medals
by B.J. Keeton | May 25, 2012 | Gaming
Outside of the fantastic story you get while leveling up in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most interesting part of the game for me is PvP. Unfortunately, it’s hard to jump right in because the system can be a little overwhelming, but believe me–the SWTOR PvP...
[Guest Post] The End of an Era: The End of “House, M.D.”
by B.J. Keeton | May 23, 2012 | Guest Posts, Television
Lisa James loves numbers, logic, and telling people what to do. So it should come as no surprise that one of her favorite TV shows was House, M.D. With its series finale having just aired, Lisa gives us a retrospective on the series and why it lasted when so many...
The One and Only Lesson Self-Published Authors Can Learn From M.R. Mathias
by B.J. Keeton | May 22, 2012 | Writing
Not too long ago, self-published author M.R. Mathias went on quite a tirade at fantasy-faction.com about how his self-promotional forum post should not have been moved from the general books forum into the self-published/small press forum. You can read the whole thing...