WordPress, Running, Writing, Geekery, and Awesomeness

“Birthright” Kickstarter is Live!

I am proud to announce that as of yesterday morning, the Birthright Kickstarter campaign is live and online. And it is going great! In under 24 hours, we have already raised right at 15% of the total goal for Birthright. 15%! That’s crazy talk! I’m so...

He’s an Animal, Man

“Let me tell you about the weirdest dream I ever had… This was a few years ago, When I’d only been Animal Man for a little while . . . I met my maker, literally. He was this skinny intense, Scottish guy who claimed I was just a character that he wrote in a...

Summer TV Rewatch: Babylon 5

Ten years ago, watching TV shows on DVD was a new idea. Netflix wasn’t a thing, and TiVo was just beginning to become a household name. So when I brought home a DVD set of a 90s sci-fi show titled Babylon 5, my dad wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. I...

SWTOR PvP Titles – Valor Titles, Ranks, and Medals

Outside of the fantastic story you get while leveling up in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the most interesting part of the game for me is PvP. Unfortunately, it’s hard to jump right in because the system can be a little overwhelming, but believe me–the SWTOR PvP...