WordPress, Running, Writing, Geekery, and Awesomeness

SOPA, PIPA, and Censorship. Oh my!

  If there’s one thing I hate, it’s censorship.  Not the kind where parents tell their kids not to listen to explicit lyrics or that they can’t watch R-rated movies.  The kind where the government or another organization attempts to stop the...

In Defense of Free-to-Play

The MMO subscription model does nothing to engender loyalty from a gamer any more than a shock collar actually teaches your dog to stop peeing on your flowers.

How much is SWTOR Worth?

Me: “I don’t think I’m going to be sticking with The Old Republic.” My wife: “Wait, you paid $150 for the stupid collector’s edition and aren’t sticking with it? Are you serious?” The discussion then proceeded into her...

How to Start a D&D Campaign?

Every so often, I get the hankering to play a tabletop RPG.  Back in college, we had some rousing games of Dungeons and Dragons.  I have a lot of fond memories of those nights where my buddies and I would sit around a table and kill the devil or something silly like...

Firefly Online?

I was just poking through Massively when I ran across quite the doozy of a news snippet. Apparently, a group of indie developers, the Multiverse Foundation, are beginning work on what they hope will become a Firefly MMORPG.  I know what you’re...

New Year, New Beej

Hello there, bandwagon. Mind if I hop on for a second? My RSS feed is just chock-full of people writing their New Year’s posts, and I figure that I would follow suit. I’ve neglected this blog (and other projects) for too long, and this is a good way for me...

On Gaming Priorities (and the SWTOR Beta)

Fun is not a never-ending points grind. It’s not a part-time job of raiding that leaves me with no real sense of accomplishment. It’s not convincing myself that I like the idea of a game, when I dislike the reality of it.