Meet the New Guys: John Ayers and Josh Bury!

If you haven’t noticed over the past few weeks, there are a couple of new faces here at Professor Beej. The response to the recent call for writers was phenomenal, and I can’t thank you enough for that. We’ve had some fantastic folks show interest in joining up, and it makes me sad we couldn’t field… Continue reading Meet the New Guys: John Ayers and Josh Bury!

New Year, New Beej

Hello there, bandwagon. Mind if I hop on for a second? My RSS feed is just chock-full of people writing their New Year’s posts, and I figure that I would follow suit. I’ve neglected this blog (and other projects) for too long, and this is a good way for me to outline my plans for… Continue reading New Year, New Beej

Blogging 101: Part 2, Six Types of Blogs

Today, I want to discuss a few of the different types of blogs out there. While “blogging” is pretty general in terms of meaning–getting your content published regularly–the method by which you publish that content should be distinct, as it will have the most direct connection to what type of audience you have.