Good ole Syp from Bio Break has a fantastic new column at Massively called “The Game Archaeologist,” where he explores MMOs of days-gone-by and what they meant to their players. And the first game he chose is one that is near and dear to my heart: Ultima Online. At the end of his first piece,… Continue reading The Game Archaeologist Interviews Me About Ultima Online
Category: Gaming
App Review: Tilt to Live for iPhone
Of all the apps on my iPhone, Tilt to Live may be the first one to outrank Facebook and Amazon Kindle as my favorite. In fact, I cannot think of $1.99 that has ever been better spent. One of my wife’s friends gifted her this iPhone app. We both tinkered with it for a while… Continue reading App Review: Tilt to Live for iPhone
Book Review: “World of Warcraft – Arthas – Rise of the Lich King” by Christie Golden
I have always enjoyed franchise fiction. Whether it’s Star Wars, Dragonlance, Magic: The Gathering, or something else entirely, I like having a veritable library of books at my disposal when I want to completely engross myself in a shared intellectual property. Before now, however, I had avoided the Warcraft franchise novels because my first experience… Continue reading Book Review: “World of Warcraft – Arthas – Rise of the Lich King” by Christie Golden
Do I have WoW ADD or Am I an Altoholic?
As I ease myself back into blogging after my literature-teaching-enduced hiatus, I figure I’ll start with something relatively easy to write about to get me back in the swing of things: World of Warcraft. Well, my Paladin is level 80 now. I spent some time in instances and got him a 4600 gearscore, which—while not… Continue reading Do I have WoW ADD or Am I an Altoholic?
Beej’s Trick to Making Easy, Fast Gold in World of Warcraft
I am not a “get rich quick” kind of guy. Never have been. But I stumbled upon a single aspect of World of Warcraft that I’ve been utilizing to keep my characters gemmed, enchanted, and epically flying for almost two years now. I disenchant Avenging Blades sold in Halaa (the PvP city in Nagrand) and… Continue reading Beej’s Trick to Making Easy, Fast Gold in World of Warcraft