I recently joined my very first paid forum community: Problogger. It’s just $2 a month, so it’s cheap and worth checking out. So far its been worth every penny (just the critiques forum alone is worth $2, if you ask me). By being a paid member, one also gets 50% off Darren’s program 31 Days to Build a Better Blog or 31DBBB.
Normally, I would never pay for one of these online be-a-better-blogger programs, but I read up on this one a little bit, and it’s a daily (or in my case, whenever I find time) process that should help with practical aspects of blog production. My creative writing classes acclimated me to using books with prompts for creative writing so I figured that using a prompt guide for blogging wasn’t a bad idea, and for ten bucks, I figured “why not?”.
I wanted to let you all know I’m going to be trying this because you might see blogs that are out of my current format or style, and I don’t want to lose readers or make you think that good ole Beej is a-changin’. I’m not; I’ll still be writing from the prompts on the same topics I always do. I’m just giving something a shot. I want to take my blog to the next level, and this might be a good way to do it. It might not. Who knows?
I honestly don’t even know what all the program entails because I haven’t read all the way through the ebook. It’s 94 pages long, and I’m only on day 2. I’m taking it as it comes so that I don’t overthink what I read, say “but I already do that!” and ignore the advice.
Day 1 was writing an elevator pitch for my blog. I wrote up a more robust About page. It can be found in the title bar at the top of every page.
Day 2 is a list post. It can be found here: The Strong, The Weak, and the In-Between: Fall 2009’s TV Premieres.
From this point on, I won’t differentiate any 31DBBB posts from any others I write except that they will all be tagged as “31DBBB” for easy reference and documentation.
I’ve been reading ProBlogger for a while and like Darren’s stuff. He’s got some really good points and interesting ideas. I was tempted by the forum too although I wasn’t sure about the fee… but if you’re recommending it, I think I will sign up too.
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Normally, I don’t go for paid forums. I hate the idea, actually. But I figured for $2, it might be worth a trial. And it really was. Once I get a banner for the top, I plan on throwing my blog to the wolves again and seeing what critiques I can get about design/layout/content/etc.
I’m commenting here because I followed you from Problogger forum and I guess its one of the best forum around for blogger. Because of less noise and since its paid so we can expect only quality contribution.
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