31 Days to Build a Better Blog

problogger I recently joined my very first paid forum community: Problogger.  It’s just $2 a month, so it’s cheap and worth checking out.  So far its been worth every penny (just the critiques forum alone is worth $2, if you ask me).  By being a paid member, one also gets 50% off Darren’s program 31 Days to Build a Better Blog or 31DBBB. 

Normally, I would never pay for one of these online be-a-better-blogger programs, but I read up on this one a little bit, and it’s a daily (or in my case, whenever I find time) process that should help with practical aspects of blog production.  My creative writing classes acclimated me to using books with prompts for creative writing so I figured that using a prompt guide for blogging wasn’t a bad idea, and for ten bucks, I figured “why not?”.

I wanted to let you all know I’m going to be trying this because you might see blogs that are out of my current format or style, and I don’t want to lose readers or make you think that good ole Beej is a-changin’.  I’m not; I’ll still be writing from the prompts on the same topics I always do.  I’m just giving something a shot.  I want to take my blog to the next level, and this might be a good way to do it.  It might not.  Who knows? 

I honestly don’t even know what all the program entails because I haven’t read all the way through the ebook.  It’s 94 pages long, and I’m only on day 2.  I’m taking it as it comes so that I don’t overthink what I read, say “but I already do that!” and ignore the advice.

Day 1 was writing an elevator pitch for my blog.  I wrote up a more robust About page.  It can be found in the title bar at the top of every page. 

Day 2 is a list post.  It can be found here: The Strong, The Weak, and the In-Between: Fall 2009’s TV Premieres.

From this point on, I won’t differentiate any 31DBBB posts from any others I write except that they will all be tagged as “31DBBB” for easy reference and documentation.

By B.J. Keeton

B.J. KEETON is a writer, teacher, and runner. When he isn't trying to think of a way to trick Fox into putting Firefly back on the air, he is either writing science fiction, watching an obscene amount of genre television, or looking for new ways to integrate fitness into his geektastic lifestyle. He is also the author of BIRTHRIGHT and co-author of NIMBUS. Both books are available for Amazon Kindle.


  1. I’ve been reading ProBlogger for a while and like Darren’s stuff. He’s got some really good points and interesting ideas. I was tempted by the forum too although I wasn’t sure about the fee… but if you’re recommending it, I think I will sign up too.
    .-= We Fly Spitfires´s last blog ..Theme Park Meets Sandbox. Themebox? =-.

    1. Normally, I don’t go for paid forums. I hate the idea, actually. But I figured for $2, it might be worth a trial. And it really was. Once I get a banner for the top, I plan on throwing my blog to the wolves again and seeing what critiques I can get about design/layout/content/etc.

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