Writing my Novel: Procrastination

Maybe I should have titled this series “I’m about to be Writing my Novel.”  That might have been more truthful. As it stands, since I started and got all gung-ho about finalizing the decision of which manuscript to finish, I haven’t written a single word of the actual novel’s text. But that’s okay, remember?  We… Continue reading Writing my Novel: Procrastination

Writing My Novel: Becoming a Real Writer and Why the Internet Says I Can’t

Every now and again, the writing bug bites me. Not the variety where I publish 7+ blogs in a week or the kind where I go on a mad dash and get my blog stockpile up enough to last me through Christmas or the kind where I sit up all night trying to get that… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Becoming a Real Writer and Why the Internet Says I Can’t

The Blog is Dead; Long Live the Blog!

If you read this via RSS, give me a click and come through to see what’s changed: yesterday, I migrated Professor Beej from its old Blogger.com hosting to an all-new, shiny self-hosted WordPress.org site, complete with premium Thesis theme.  Despite everyone telling me for months how much of a difference WordPress makes, I didn’t listen.… Continue reading The Blog is Dead; Long Live the Blog!