Here’s the thing: you’ll probably never make a living by writing. Even if you luck into selling a manuscript, it’s unlikely that it will even pay your mortgage. No more amateur hour, no more kid gloves, and no more training wheels. (And no more motivational platitudes, am I right?) If you don’t treat writing like the job you want it to be right now, it will never happen.
Tag: Writing My Novel
Writing My Novel: Revision is a Go
After finishing my novel’s first draft, I learned a few things about writing fiction, and two of the most important are the importance of chapter length and just what “show, don’t tell” means.
Book Review: Nascence by Tobias Buckell
If you’re a writer, I’d say that Nascence is every bit as important for you to read as Stephen King’s On Writing. Even though two books are vastly different in style and content, I have learned more about writing fiction from them than anything else I’ve read on the subject. Honestly.
Read My Short Stories on Amazon Kindle!
After a lot of thought, I took the plunge. I did it. I decided that I would publish $0.99 Amazon Kindle editions of the free short stories that I post here on the blog.
Writing My Novel: How Spider-man Showed Me I’m Meant to Be a Writer
If you haven’t noticed by now, writing is kind of my thing. It’s what I do. And in more ways than one, I have Spider-man to thank for that. In a lot of ways, two of the most defining moments in my professional life only came about because of Spider-man. So thank you, Peter Parker, for giving my life direction.