Writing My Novel: How Spider-man Showed Me I’m Meant to Be a Writer

If you haven’t noticed by now, writing is kind of my thing. It’s what I do. And in more ways than one, I have Spider-man to thank for that. In a lot of ways, two of the most defining moments in my professional life only came about because of Spider-man. So thank you, Peter Parker, for giving my life direction.

Short Story: “Just Another Day”

Telemarketers, thunderstorms, and solid milk. Nothing goes right for Joshua Winters, and it seems like his day just can’t get any worse. Before he goes home and to lock himself away from it all, he decides to visit his favorite bookstore, where the girl of his dream works. And Joshua’s day goes from bad to…? [Romance Short Story]

What’s the Deal with Post-Apocalyptic Appeal?

I have a strange fantasy:  I want to be alive after the world ends. Not in an immortality kind of way, but in a Cormac McCarthy’s The Road kind of way. Well, not that I actually want to, but I find something strangely appealing about the quiet, deserted streets in most post-apocalyptic fiction. One of… Continue reading What’s the Deal with Post-Apocalyptic Appeal?

Should Comic Books and Graphic Novels be Considered ‘Art?’

A friend of mine wrote a very interesting editorial regarding comic books and graphic novels as a form of art. I highly suggest that you check it out at frequency: x2k. He asks the question near the end, “should comic books and graphic novels be considered art?” Obviously, my response is whole-heartedly and emphatically: yes! And I… Continue reading Should Comic Books and Graphic Novels be Considered ‘Art?’