So you’re interested in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, are you? We break down why this Marvel roleplaying game is different from any other tabletop comic rpg.
Tag: Roleplaying
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: A Marvel RPG at its finest
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying is–you guessed it–am open-ended, flexible, and true to the comics Marvel RPG. You don’t even have to be a comic fan to play!
Why You Should Try Tabletop RPGs
The tabletop RPG has long been considered the pinnacle of geekiness, and though it has long been the whipping boy of much of the geek subculture, the abuse is mostly undeserved.
D&D Next Playtest – 3 Impressions
D&D Next gives you a framework on which to build the game you want to play, not the one the one the devs want you to.
Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?
I was just standing there, minding my own business, when a messenger came up the stairs leading to the temple of Pelor. I was just a Cleric looking for a library to rest in, see if there were any good books about Ioun I hadn’t read before. I wasn’t looking for adventure, or really even… Continue reading Dungeons and Dragons: Memorable Moments?