Every time I want to say something about Stargate SG-1 Season 2, I want to call it Stargate SG-2 and be done with it. I know within the context of the show it can’t be called that because the narrative follows the exploits of a team called “SG-1,” but it would be a much easier,… Continue reading Stargate SG-1: Season 2 Review
Tag: Review
Blood, Sex, and Vampires: Review of HBO’s True Blood Season One
Of all the fantasy monsters out there, to me, vampires are the most mundane. They’re just kind of boring. Okay, so not “kind of” boring. Really boring. With an extra dose of boring on top of that. I don’t know if it’s the idea of the monster itself or the fact that our culture has… Continue reading Blood, Sex, and Vampires: Review of HBO’s True Blood Season One
Stargate Atlantis – Initial Impressions
Let me start this out the right way: I am now and forever a Stargate fanboy. Not the “mouthbreathing, pseudo-uneducated, mindlessly slaving away wishing the franchise would be reality and not understanding why not” kind of fanboy, but the loyal kind of fanboy who finds a franchise he enjoys and watches every episode available and… Continue reading Stargate Atlantis – Initial Impressions
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Review Part 2 – Movie Impressions
And now for the movie! First, let me say this: I loved it. I thought it was a fantastic film that was full of charm and wit and humor. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the film that I went in expecting to see. What strikes me the most odd about this is that I thoroughly enjoyed it,… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Review Part 2 – Movie Impressions
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Review Part 1 – Expectations
I had planned on writing this prior to seeing the film, but I got sidetracked with other things and couldn’t find the time. Instead, I will do my best to write my most unbiased opinions of what I expected from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince based solely on the novel, which I haven’t read… Continue reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince – Review Part 1 – Expectations