In more news, I have recently taken a staff writer position at I think it’s a fantastic opportunity (that came from the Problogger forums, to boot! See? Well worth the $2!) to hone my writing chops, get my name out there, and maybe garner some readership in the process. That said, some of my… Continue reading [] Fringe – The Pattern Returns in “Momentum Deferred”
Tag: Review
A Night at the Nashville Opera – Puccini’s “Tosca” at TPAC
As far back as I can remember, I have loved stage performances of all kinds. I don’t care if I go see local community theater productions, professional tours and companies at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center (TPAC) in Nashville, or public school renditions of student-written plays. I just love shows live on stage. So when… Continue reading A Night at the Nashville Opera – Puccini’s “Tosca” at TPAC
Stargate Universe – A Little of This, A Little of That, A Lot of Awesome
Most people who read this blog know I’ve become a huge Stargate fanboy over the past few months, having run through the first third of SG-1 with my dad and Atlantis’ first season solo. So when SyFy announced Stargate Universe would be premiering this fall and “reinventing the wheel,” as their advertisements noted, I became… Continue reading Stargate Universe – A Little of This, A Little of That, A Lot of Awesome
Fringe Season 2 – “Go Then. There Are Other Worlds Than These.”
Finally, after too long a wait, Fringe has made its way back to Fox. It has a better night and time (for ratings) than it did last season. Even though Fox cut episode length by a few minutes this season by putting in standard commercial breaks instead of the abbreviated ones I loved last season,… Continue reading Fringe Season 2 – “Go Then. There Are Other Worlds Than These.”
True Blood Season 2 – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.
I just finished the finale of the second season of HBO’s True Blood, and I am just as enthralled with the series as I was when I picked up the DVD set of the first season a month or so ago. The writing and production values are still consistently high, and the cliffhanger episode endings… Continue reading True Blood Season 2 – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.