Most of the books I get finished these days are audiobooks. A while back, I went through my top 5 audiobooks, and at the very top of that list was Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card. I was so enthralled by the production quality of the first one that as soon as I finished my… Continue reading Review: “Ender in Exile” (Audiobook) by Orson Scott Card
Tag: Review
“Are You Sure This Is the Movie?”: The Utter Awfulness of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
This is a guest post that my wife Jennifer wrote up about the “utter awfulness” that was Transformers 2. While I thought the movie was terrible and bad (thus my Twitter review of it being “terribad”), she was much more appalled by the robotravesty that assaulted us IMAX-style than I was. Between her and Roger Ebert’s… Continue reading “Are You Sure This Is the Movie?”: The Utter Awfulness of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
The Top Five Audiobooks You Should Hear and Why
A few years ago, one of my exes threw a pair of my pants into the washing machine without checking the pockets first and inadvertently laundered my iPod. She was doing a good deed, but it was a costly accident since I had no choice but to go buy new iPod. It turns out there… Continue reading The Top Five Audiobooks You Should Hear and Why
Review – Terminator: Salvation
Even in the wonderful leather seats at the Monaco theater in Huntsville, Alabama, Terminator: Salvation really let me down. I enjoyed the movie, don’t get me wrong, but there was just very little actually memorable about the film. I had read a snippet months ago about a spoiled ending where John Connor (Christian Bale) died… Continue reading Review – Terminator: Salvation
Review: Fringe Season One Finale: “There’s More Than One of Everything”
I just finished rewatching the Fringe finale, “There’s More than One of Everything,” and it actually was better the second time around. I was able to pay more attention to a few things that had been sitting in the back of my head stewing. I did not notice any glaring inconsistencies, but until I am… Continue reading Review: Fringe Season One Finale: “There’s More Than One of Everything”