Elsewhere Posts

For those fine folks who just can’t get enough of the awesomeness that is Professor Beej, below are two articles that I posted elsewhere this week.  Enjoy! The always hospitible Matt Low gave me the chance to guest post at his blog World of Matticus again this week about my predeliction toward playing a healer/support character in MMOs.  (You can read my… Continue reading Elsewhere Posts

“You’re in Our World Now”: How Does Setting Affect MMO Enjoyment? – Guest Post at We Fly Spitfires

Gordon, blogger extraordinaire and proprieter of We Fly Spitfires, has been good enough to let me guest post over at his establishment.  I started reading his blog when I was just beginning to find out what kind of niche I wanted to write in, and as such, he was one of my main influences in my… Continue reading “You’re in Our World Now”: How Does Setting Affect MMO Enjoyment? – Guest Post at We Fly Spitfires

Long Time No Game

I know lately I’ve gotten a little away from the gaming side of geekdom, what with most of my posts dealing with television in some respect or another.  That doesn’t mean I’m out of touch with the gaming blogosphere, though.  I read bunches of gaming-centric posts daily, so I thought I’d point out a few… Continue reading Long Time No Game

MMO Guilds – Are They Friends or Coworkers?

I was reading in a fairly old back issue of Games for Windows last night,and it brought up the idea that close-knit guilds in online games were a thing of the past. Their point was that with item-based progression and 25/40-person raid content, gamers no longer flock together because of like-mindedness or establishing a community;… Continue reading MMO Guilds – Are They Friends or Coworkers?