Welcome back, True Believers! In the Danger Room, we’ll look at a custom Marvel Heroic Roleplaying datafile together (either one of my own creation, or someone else’s) and go over the design points of the character. Last week, I showed you how open the possibilities were in Marvel Heroic Roleplaying for creating a character from… Continue reading [Danger Room] Marvel RPG Custom Datafile – Setzer Gabbiani (Final Fantasy VI)
Tag: Fantasy
Why You Should Try Board Games
No, I’m not talking about Monopoly. The board games I’m talking about are a whole new breed of modern board game. They are varied in theme and in playstyle, but one thing is certain: they are quickly gaining popularity, and not just with the video game and RPG crowd, but with the mainstream. Let’s take… Continue reading Why You Should Try Board Games
Link Love Awesomeness and Kickstarter Updates
14 days left on the Kickstarter, 56% funded, and three new tiers of rewards! Awesome!
It’s In The Atmosphere
I love to read, and that is no secret. I wouldn’t say that I have a favorite genre, but I am probably seen more reading science fiction or fantasy. I have been known to pick up a classic or two, though–I still hold that Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Harper Lee’s To Kill a… Continue reading It’s In The Atmosphere
Kickstarter Update: Guest Posts Galore!
This week has been crazy, y’all. We’re almost halfway to the funding goal for Birthright‘s Kickstarter, and it hasn’t even been a week. You folks amaze me. Really, you do. I’m humbled and awed you’d want to support a schmuck like me. Thanks for that. From the bottom of my heart. I’ve been a writing fiend… Continue reading Kickstarter Update: Guest Posts Galore!