Writing My Novel: Mission Statement

I read a recent post over at Magical Words regarding mission statements. The blogger brought up my biggest complaint about those peculiar little blurbs: Most of the time, they don’t actually say anything. I’ve written my fair share of mission statements. I’ve proofed them and updated them, and almost every single time, I think to… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Mission Statement

Writing My Novel: But That’s Not My Novel!

In addition to my blogging hiatus, I have pretty much been on a general writing hitaus.  My novel still sits in Google Docs, a collection of nearly eleven thousand untouched words, taunting me to write. Now that I am getting back into blogging and reading for fun, my desire to work on fiction has steadily… Continue reading Writing My Novel: But That’s Not My Novel!

Review: Amazon Kindle 2

When I heard about the Amazon.com’s first generation Kindle, I scoffed.  I thought that ebooks would be a fad because the machines were clunky, there was no standard format for files, and the most sought-after books were simply not available. And on top of that, I like holding books.  I love being able to go… Continue reading Review: Amazon Kindle 2