I recently said that I’ve never had writer’s block, which is true. I have never stalled out while writing, having no clear idea where to go next. I have, however, been pulled in so many different directions that simply settling on one project felt impossible. I call what happens to me Idea ADD. My attention… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Idea ADD is Just as Bad as Writer’s Block
Category: Writing
Writing My Novel: Fear of the Blank Page
I have never experienced writer’s block. I’ve never just stalled out, not knowing what to write, not knowing what comes next. I’ve never looked at the last words I’ve written and wondered where they would lead. But a lot of writers do. A lot of writers fear not only the blank page, but the full… Continue reading Writing My Novel: Fear of the Blank Page
Writing My Novel: On Reaching Goals
The fall semester starts in just under a month. I have maybe two full weeks before faculty conferences begin for the new year, which means that my wonderful summer of writing time is drawing to a close. That’s okay because I have far surpassed the goal I set for myself at the beginning of the… Continue reading Writing My Novel: On Reaching Goals
3 Short Reviews for 3 Short Stories
I love short stories. They’re hard to write, but when done well, their effect can be far more powerful than a longer form. It takes a lot of careful wording and plotting to be able to make a short story, and since the second half of my summer’s goal has been to write a few… Continue reading 3 Short Reviews for 3 Short Stories
Writing My Novel: 7 Ways Reading Makes Better Writing
The first day of a composition class, I ask my students a simple question: “Who in here likes to read?” I consider the inquiry a success if I have two people raise their hands. Most of the time all I get are a few sneers, blank stares, and no hands in the air. I ask… Continue reading Writing My Novel: 7 Ways Reading Makes Better Writing