Writing My Novel: What to Write?

I’m not teaching this summer.  With my break, I intend to do two things: develop myself professionally by attending/presenting at conferences and write. The conferences are already scheduled.  I’m presenting a paper at Slayage in June, and I will be attending the NCLCA Institute in July. Writing, however, is significantly more up in the air. … Continue reading Writing My Novel: What to Write?

Writing My Novel: But That’s Not My Novel!

In addition to my blogging hiatus, I have pretty much been on a general writing hitaus.  My novel still sits in Google Docs, a collection of nearly eleven thousand untouched words, taunting me to write. Now that I am getting back into blogging and reading for fun, my desire to work on fiction has steadily… Continue reading Writing My Novel: But That’s Not My Novel!

Writing my Novel: John Scalzi Just Gave Me a Swift Kick in the Butt

Scalzi did so with his latest blog pointing out that the Ethan Ellenberg Literary Agency is now accepting unsolicited manuscripts from SF/F writers.  Even new, unpublished writers like me. Their typical submission policy says they want 50 pages of the manuscript to read, and their new call mentions 3 chapters.  Either way, I’m good to… Continue reading Writing my Novel: John Scalzi Just Gave Me a Swift Kick in the Butt

Writing my Novel: Procrastination

Maybe I should have titled this series “I’m about to be Writing my Novel.”  That might have been more truthful. As it stands, since I started and got all gung-ho about finalizing the decision of which manuscript to finish, I haven’t written a single word of the actual novel’s text. But that’s okay, remember?  We… Continue reading Writing my Novel: Procrastination