I’ve been playing World of Warcraft lately mainly because I have not had the mental capacity (due to reading for and prepping literature courses) to do a lot more than level my Paladin, who has recently hit Outland. The whole experience of looking at the game from a new perspective has helped bolster my enjoyment.… Continue reading In Defense of God Mode
Category: Gaming
Do You Care About Your MMO’s Lore?
No matter what MMO you play, there’s a backstory. If you’re in Fallen Earth, there’s a reason it’s post apocalyptic and a story that the game tells you—generally through quests—to let you know how it got that way. EverQuest has its own mythology, as does Ultima Online—though, God knows what they’ve done with it now… Continue reading Do You Care About Your MMO’s Lore?
Playing Console Catch-Up
Long story, short: MMOs have dominated my gaming time for the last 12 years or so. I’d estimate that around 90% of all of my time gaming has been done in front of a PC over the internet. Sure, I’ve set aside a few hours here and there for a few sessions of Knights of… Continue reading Playing Console Catch-Up
Loving and Hating World of Warcraft’s Random Dungeon Finder
When it was introduced, World of Warcraft’s Random Dungeon Finder might have been the greatest feature that Blizzard introduced to the game. Even on high-population servers, finding a group for an Instance could be an hours-long chore that ended with hurt feelings and antisocial tendencies, but the dungeon finder removes much of the hassle. And… Continue reading Loving and Hating World of Warcraft’s Random Dungeon Finder
Fallout vs. Fallen Earth
Today’s blog will be hosted by the ever-conversant Syp (of Bio Break infamy) while I take a little time off to enjoy my honeymoon. When Professor Beej, who holds a doctorate in both love and Firefly, asked me to do a guest article so he could go get freaky on his honeymoon (remember, guys: safe… Continue reading Fallout vs. Fallen Earth